Mulhamia Services sees Value beyond the price perspective. Check for our discounted services and let us work with you to make things happen.

Building Africa

We are Africans using the accumulated expertise in both private and Development sectors to significantly champion the building of Africa that us and the many generations after us will be proud of through the provision of Better, Affordable and Timely consultancy services to Civil society entities and all kinds of Entrepreneurs.

Building an Economically progressive, socially inclusive and EcoSmart Africa is the ultimate intention behind all we do.

We provide a wide range of services that aim at systems strengthening for institutions and government agencies, personal and enterprise development, increased Resilience to Climate changes etc

By working with INGOs, NGOs, MSMEs, CBOs etc., we are sure to build the impact we are obsessed with. Technology, Gender Equity, Localization are themes dear to us and well incorporated in our approach to service. 

Our Approach 

Human centered, Facilitative and integrated

Human centred: In all our work, dignity of human beings is protected all the time . we believe that any innovation or solution to the world's problem should for the people and by the people. By people we mean indeed all kinds of people

Facilitative: we believe that different communities and clients know what they need often and we thus use our expertise to help them come up with solutions to the problems in an efficient and effective manner. we dont impose things but we guide to make sure that the appropriate behavioural and technical competencies are used to drive the desired positive change. 

Integrated: There is never one solution to the diverse challenges facing humanity or organizations of all kinds. while the world has witnessed technological advancement, still there is no single technological solution with all the answers for all the questions. Therefore, as Mulhamia services, we explore all approaches or methods that can deliver the intended impact. With design thinking abilities, we focus on harnessing the strengths of different methods of work to have a customized solution to the problem or solution at hand

We're Building better

Mulhamia Services is a multi-functional, pan-African agency based in Uganda. We are dedicated to building an economically progressive, socially inclusive, and EcoSmart Africa. With a team of experts and a diverse range of services, we strive to make a positive impact on businesses and communities across the continent.

Mulhamia Services is registered with Uganda Registration Services bureau as business providing professional services. Mulhamia services is a new platform replacing the freelancing-based consultancy by Obedi Bwambale that has been the mode of business since 2014.


  • Education and decent Employment

  • Entrepreneurship development

  • Renewable Energy

  • Sustainable Agricultural Development

  • Impact Finance & Financial inclusion

  • Inclusive markets and Livelihoods

  • ICT for Development

  • Organizational development

 Who we serve

  • Refugees and Host communities

  • Academic and Research institutions

  • Farmer Organizations /Cooperatives

  • Micro, small and Medium Enterprises

  • Inclusive markets and Livelihoods

  • CBOs/NGOs and INGOs

  • Individuals

Major Clients in Uganda since 2015